Valentine's Day went great at our house this year. And we may have pulled it off with a little less candy than usual, since Ti and I are both watching what we eat lately. Ti fixed the girls pink chocolate chip pancakes and pink (strawberry) milk for a special Valentine's Day breakfast. They were tickled pink. (Sorry. That was cheesy.)

I wish Valentine's Day would always fall on a Saturday. That way, you could do some morning festivities without feeling rushed because of work/school, etc.
Julia had a party at school, of course, and I wasn't even planning on going, but at the last minute, I decided to go. (I think that sentence might have too many commas.) And I'm glad I did. Nothing special or out of the ordinary was supposed to happen, this was just going to be her last V-day party at her school. (No, I didn't cry.) Lily was also glad I decided to go, because that meant she would get to go too, which meant that she would get to taste all the yummy party food.

For our Valentine's supper, all four of us went to Chick-fil-A (fancy, I know!). We were planning on going to Krispy Kreme for dessert, but the line was unbelievably long, so we went to Dunkin' Donuts instead.
Just for the record, Dunkin' Donuts does not hold a candle to Krispy Kreme. Period. When we were ordering at DD, the cashier said that they were out of a lot of their normal selection of donuts, but in about an hour or two, some more would be thawed out. Thawed out!!?? All I could think about was that long line of hot...fresh...warm glazed doughnuts from Krispy Kreme...Okay. Enough about the doughnuts.
That was the extent of our Valentine's day.
On a completely different subject, Lily and Julia love to play games on our Mac. I have a list of websites on my share site they can click over to, and is one of them. I don't know why this is so funny to me, but all Lily wants to do is go to the Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood page and watch the episodes and "field trip" videos. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood! I still don't understand the fascination that most kids have, or have had, with that show. (Yes, I loved it as a kid!) At least it's not Sponge Bob. I hate Sponge Bob.
Also, Julia got a much-needed haircut last night. I loved her long hair, but it was just too long and stringy for me. Now it's in a cute little shoulder-length bob. I think she was more excited about her new look than I was. (And I guess that's the way it should be!)
And last, but certainly not least, I booked a flight to see my best friend yesterday! Sad note-I think that might've been the first flight I've ever booked entirely on my own. Anyway, I can hardly wait! I miss her so much!
I love that Lily is wearing footed pajamas in those first pictures!! Those are still Isabelle's favorite!! Infact, she's wearing them this morning :)