It's been pretty eventful week already, and it's only Tuesday night!
We got to experience the awesome Great Wolf Lodge again on Sunday and Monday, and I can't believe it, but this is one of only 3 pictures that I took! ONLY THREE! I'm ashamed of myself. But we did have a great time, despite the lack of photographic proof. The girls had been talking (and praying!) about this trip for weeks and weeks now, and they weren't disappointed. They slid down slides, swam in the lazy river, swam (is swam even the past tense verb for swim?) in the wave pool and slid down more slides. Julia even got to play some without her life jacket on this time, since she knows how to swim a little better now. When I asked Lily what her favorite part of the trip was, she said, "going down the blue slide with you!" :) Many, MANY thanks to our wonderful friends, the Askews, for inviting us to come along on their vacation!
Thursday is Julia's 100th day of kindergarten, and they were all asked to come up with a special project marking the event. Ever since we've been given this assignment, Julia's had this idea of drawing 100 raindrops on a piece of paper and turning that in as her project. I have no idea why she came up with that idea. She even drew the drops on a piece of paper the size of a notecard and wanted to turn it in. I thought it should be a little fancier than that, so I went to Michael's today and picked up a few crafting supplies. She was SO excited when I showed her the raindrop stickers I bought! That girls loves to make art!! Anyway, this is the finished product, and she is so proud!

And lastly, tonight, we met with a bunch of our friends for ice cream at Chick-fil-A and to work together on a special little surprise for a sweet little girl's birthday tomorrow!
I love Julia's poster!! -Liz