A few weeks ago I purchased a chore chart from Toys R Us. Only I'm not using it as a chore chart, I'm using it as a reward chart. For every day that Julia obeys at school, and for every day that Lily obeys at home, a little magnetic star is added to their chart.

At the end of 3 starred days, they get a reward. Right now that reward is going to our local "jumping place." You know, the kind of place where you pay by the hour for your kids to run around and jump like crazy on some of those inflatables you usually see at big birthday parties.

Another reward is going to Dollar Tree to pick out one thing. I actually told Julia that if she could go a whole month without missing one day of adding a star to her chart, I might would take her to Toys R Us to pick something (small) out. She promptly replied, "OR we could go to the Dollar Tree and pick out something!" Ah, I wish they would stay this young forever...

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