I've been journaling/posting pictures/posting videos over at my Shutterfly share site for almost three years now, but I've secretly been wanting to start another blog. Specifically the kind that allows you attach pictures in the middle of your journal entry. I think it adds so much to the "story" you're trying to tell. Anyway, over at Shutterfly, I wasn't (and still am not) able to do that with the journaling feature, so here I am. With a brand new blog. With the same name. (sort of.)
Okay. Here's my first picture-infused blog post:
I love fall. I am sure it's my second favorite time of the year, behind winter/Christmas. I get really excited when October hits, and feel just a smidge sad after New Year's Day. 'Cause I know spring is coming. And while I really love flowers and spring and all, I am pasty white by nature, and, well, I'd just rather wear winter clothes, that's all.
So the first exciting fall tradition we Barnhill's participate in is visiting the pumpkin patch. We used to live on the other side of town, and this particular pumpkin patch was closer to us then. The pumpkins aren't perfectly round (I've even been known to call them ugly) and they're kind of reddish-orange, instead of the usual yellowish-orange, and it usually takes us a while to find the one we want to take home. But we've been taking pictures in this pumpkin patch every year since Julia was 10 months old, so it holds a special place in my heart. I even think the ugly pumpkins have character now. So without further adieu, here are a few of our annual pumpkin patch photos.
On the hunt for the perfect pumpkin.

My two sweet pumpkins.

Making funny faces with the funny-faced pumpkin.
We found our pumpkin!

I didn't know you had a blog, Beth! Love your pumpkin patch pictures!