Wednesday, March 28, 2012

my little bowl

I love pretty little colorful things. This time of year especially. Spring just naturally causes me to be drawn to brightly colored things. And to see those colors usually brings a smile to my face.

Which brings me to my tiny brightly-colored teal bowl.

My bowl is not fancy. It's not even the most unusual, unique thing I've ever seen. But as long as I live, it will always bring a smile to my face. Honestly, though, it's not really the bowl that makes me smile.
It's the fond memories attached to it.

My best friend moved away almost 3 months ago to a town that is, according to Google, just 4 minutes shy of a 20-hour drive away. And I miss her terribly. She's the kind of friend who always knows the right things to say, always knows the best way to encourage, and always causes you to want to draw closer to Christ. Thankfully I got the opportunity to fly out to visit her this past weekend. We talked, we laughed, we cried, we got a pedicure. And we shopped. Which brings me--again--back to my little teal bowl.

I had heard about this one particular clothing/housewares store through another friend's blog, but I had never been to one before. So we searched and found it on her GPS and drove. And drove and drove. And we ended up in the middle of an old neighborhood. And we laughed. And I apologized. But we did end up finding the store, thankfully, and I found out that most of the merchandise is way out of my price range. Except for a few things. One thing--my small teal bowl. It was $2.50 to be exact. Which is extremely in my price range. After looking around for maybe 10 minutes, I purchased my bowl, with its purpose already in mind. I've got it on my counter in my bathroom to put my jewelry in at the end of the day, which means I'll look at it every day, at least once or twice. Which means I'll remember and smile every day and thank God for the treasure He's given me in my best friend.